Starch Mogul

No longer available

Starch Mogul


Item # 8178 – STARCH MOGUL Manufactured by WERNER MAKAT model PMU-15, up to about 10-15 trays / min. Was running at 10 per minute. Depending on the Mould Board (number of pieces per tray) and the product piece weight, you can get an indication of capacity. Roughly, they were producing around 680Kgs per hour, and potentially up to about 450 tonnes of product per month. Suitable for tray Size 820 x 400 x 33mms high, including starch tray De-stacker on infeed & stacker on outfeed for wooden starch trays, The mogul is in U-shape configuration, layout drawing available, so the cleaned product comes out from the destacker and cleaning section and was fed directly to an enrobing line (not included). 2 x Depositing heads (One for 4 x Colours). A variety of Products/Shapes are incorporated, there are over 10 mould boards available, 8 are wood based and the rest are metal based. Unit to Clean & Condition the starch powder, Product Discharge, Stamping & De-Starching of products. Included are Metal Bases or Pallets for stacking 2-Rows of wooden trays, they are about 89 of these pieces available, which are all compatible with the MAKAT Stacker. Still set up on the factory floor, clean and in good working order.


Stock Number8178